Business Manager
Chukwufumnanya Oluwatobi Ochei is a business manager driven by her passion for youth development; and Nigerianity- Love and commitment to Nigeria and Nigerians. She takes pride in providing the best ideas and action steps for development and growth. As a General Manager, her goals include making MainStay Agro-allied Service the most sought after agribusiness establishment. She has a BSc. Information Science and Media Studies from the Pan Atlantic University, Lagos, and is currently acquiring her Masters from the same establishment. She has worked as a corporate communications strategist, a content director, a film director and editor. In addition to her work functions, she is an entertainer and film-maker. Her hobbies include, but are not limited to, spending time alone, hairstyling, dancing, watching Nollywood movies and traveling. She also has an adventurous spirit, and believes that one’s purpose is to serve others in some way.